Posts in Category: Fiji

Bula, Eh! Fiji-Time!

Said flight landed in the early morning around 6:20 in Nadi. After luggage retrieval and immigartion, I managed to cath the transfer bus (by only 2 minutes) to go to Denarau Marina where my ‘Lazy Threesome’/’Island time’ package would start. Originally I would’ve stayed at a local hostel but the sheraton in exchange was a pretty good deal. It turned out better than planned – thank you, Fijiair!.
At Denarau, I checked in with awesomefiji and boarded the Yasawa-flyer, a yellow catamaran-ferry bound to the yasawa and nacula islands west of Fiji (see picture). I spent the next 5 nights on 3 different islands in family run dorm-accomodations eating fresh fruits and coconuts, snorkeling, learning to cook Kokoda (‘Coconda’), snorkling with manta rays and even 2 dives (where I saw my first blacktip =) ). I met funny and amazing people to spend the time with and enjoyed every second of it. On my last day at Southsea-Island I saw my second blacktip reefshark a few meters off the shore swimming by grace and peacefully. Later I boarded the 1927 built Seasprey for a daytrip sailing adventure along the Mamanuca islands (which wasn’t entirely windpowered). The Glasgow-built vessel took us for snorkeling to the island where Castaway was filmed (The coconuts I found there weren’t good yet 🙁 ) and provided us with fruits, BBQ and all you can drink. After stopping at a fijian village for the cava ceremony and returning to one of the mamanuca islands, I took the opportunity to enjoy a brief jetski ride. The calm water allowed for an amazing speed of 92km/h reminding me of Kiruna, where the air was 60°C colder and the water at least 35°C, turned to snow.
I spent my last 2 fijian nights on the mainland discovering the town and enjoying the beach with new friends I found on the islands. Enjoy the pictures. BUULLAAA from Fiji!