Posts in Category: Singapore

Koh Tao and Singapore

After being land-locked in Chiang Mai, we flew to Surat Thani to get to Koh Tao for some diving. We decided to do a few specialties and I got deep & nitrox certified. As previously, Phoenix Divers Koh Tao and their fish-pointers (divemasters/guides :-P) did a great job at taking us to beautiful divesites although the visibility wasn’t as good as the last time. I bought a small rubber whaleshark dive-buddy which now rides the bubbles above my tank when I dive – so far it hasn’t succeded in calling its mom so I’d see a whaleshark again :D. We also took pictures from the 360° viewpoint and tried our luck to see turtles or sharks at shark bay (but didn’t). After Koh Tao, we spent the last nights of my 3 week trip in Singapore to re-visit some (rooftop)bars and meet some old friends.

Unfortunately, my Sony SEL16-50 lens broke during the time in Koh Tao and I could only partly fix it on the go so there are only a few pictures. After the replacement parts from china found their way to germany, I managed to get the lens working again =) .

Singapore stopover

It’s been way too long since I left Singapore – but this summer I finally made it back for a 3 day stopover. Unfortunately my Sony camera broke so I was left with my phone’s capabilities.

Singapore – once more

While showing singapore to my visitors, I could snap another few pictures from the best sights.

Singapore again

When my parents visited me in Singapore, we went to some really nice locations where I got the chance to capture these pictures:

Singapore Zoo

Even big kids like the zoo ;). Here’s what the Singapore zoo offers – besides some 1m lizards walking around the public area.

Singapore – being a Tourist

While I waited a few days before I could move into my appartment, I used the time to do sightseeing. Here are some of the best views I got.

Ps: I managed to change the media format. You can enjoy FullHD in FullScreen mode now ;). I might reconfigure it depending on the time it takes to load… Please comment if you encounter problems!

Pps: I reduced the size to 1/2 Full HD which reduces the Filesize by up to 44% for faster loading. On most screens, Fullscreen stays FullHD!. Additionally, I’ll manually set only the newest post to start the slideshow.

Sentosa and the SEA Aquarium

During my Tourist-time after finding an appartment, before being able to move in, I stayed at the Kiwi-Hostel. This typical Backpacker hostel with a huge fan-“cooled” area full of bunk beds was located quite close to the city and the staff was awesome. They gave great advise while sipping a can of Tiger at night or during the fruit and kava-sandwich breakfast.
Anywat, I decided to discover the most prominent recreational area of Singapore: Sentosa Island. The MRT easily takes you to Vivo-City, another of these typical shopping malls where you can switch to a monorail to drive to sentosa. After passing by the harbour, you pass through the amusement and movie-park area before reaching the beachside. A small tower offered a great view over the swimming bays and – the ships. I never expected to see that many ships afloat around singapore, probably waiting to load/unload their containers, for their next contract or the next fishing trip. (You best see them on the Marina Bay Sands post.)

Afterwards I went to the Aquarium. Besides an exhibition about the silkroad the whole building was equipped with different tanks or fish-tunnels. Since It was the day before chinese new year, they even performed an underwater “Lion-dance”

New year, new city, new blog

I’m on the road again!
After the amazing time in sweden, I’m leaving for Singapore – but this time I’ll share some pictures with you. Don’t worry, I’ll try not to annoy you with long texts :P. I’ll be posting mainly pictures from my travels and maybe come up with additional purposes of this blog 😉